Ever wonder why we develop certain patterns of relating in our romantic relationships?


For example, do you notice you’re drawn to a certain destructive personality type? Or do you find yourself struggling with feelings of loneliness and disconnection?

In therapy, we explore what you want and need from a romantic partner. We also co-define what a healthy relationship looks and feels like, and work on how to recognize an unhealthy relationship early on.

We all have strengths and weaknesses that we bring to a relationship. In therapy, we identify your particular strengths and weaknesses. For example, you might be great at providing support for your partner, but not so great at asking for what you need.

Recent research establishes that certain attitudes and behaviors correlate highly with divorce. In therapy, I teach you what these are, explore why they might be happening in your relationship, and how to break out of those patterns. I also help you to cultivate joy and meaning in your relationships.

Self-Care is Key

psychotherapist menlo park
“The best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.”
~ Dalai Lama XIV


Your self-care, or your relationship with yourself, is the crucial foundation of any relationship, yet it’s often overlooked. We all have a relationship with ourselves, which is our ability to respond to our own thoughts, needs and feelings, independently of a partner.

I assist you in increasing your self awareness and expand your ability to take care of yourself. These skills are essential, regardless of whether you’re single or in a long-term relationship.


Psychotherapist Menlo Park

Gina Hayashi, Ph.D. provides psychotherapy for individuals in Menlo Park, California. Areas of specialty include: anxiety & stress management, romantic relationships, grief/ loss/ and life transition, overachievement, and body image & emotional eating.