
greif counseling menlo park vineyard

“And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields. And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.”

~ Kahlil Gibran

Grievers, take heart, you’re stronger than you know. Society may not have prepared you adequately for the process of grief. However, grief has a way of uncovering your most elemental strengths. As an experienced therapist, I’ll help you cultivate and expand your strengths.

I listen with a great deal of compassion and empathy to your story, to your current experience, and to your pain. Few people recognize the extent to which grief saps us of our energy. Extra support at this time is crucial. It is especially important to connect with people who understand grief, even if you don’t think it can help, and even if you don’t feel like it. Anything you can do to take care of yourself is good.

You may have heard that grief has stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Many people misinterpret the meaning of these stages. For example, almost no-one goes through the stages in order; as C.S. Lewis put it, it’s more like being in a spiral and you don’t know whether you’re going up or down that spiral. Also, “acceptance” can be a misleading term because it implies that in order to accept your loss, you must be okay with it. I can tell you more about these stages and what they really mean for you.


bereavement counseling, transition, life transition

“All the trials and tribulations, and the biggest losses.. are gifts to you.”

~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D.

Ending a relationship. Losing a job. Moving to a new place. Transitioning from one stage of life to another. Marriage means the loss of being single. Graduating means losing student life. Therapy is a place where we can learn how to react to loss without becoming depressed. I provide a place for you to articulate these losses and navigate your way through them. I help you recognize how loss, as painful as it is, can be a powerful motivator for personal growth and change.

Life Transition

bereavement counseling, transition, life transition

“You have to temper the iron.”

~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D.

Rebuilding your life is a major and unique opportunity. Seldom are we in so much pain, and yet seldom do we have so much opportunity for change. Whatever you lost before, you are now creating a new beginning. However, doing this can feel formidable on your own. Not only are you dealing with the anguish of your original loss, you’re also re-engaging with the world, which can feel painful, scary, and disorienting. I provide a place for you to rebuild your life with self-awareness and intention. Therapy is a special place to help you envision and create a new life filled with purpose and meaning.

Grief Counseling Menlo Park

Gina Hayashi, Ph.D. provides psychotherapy for individuals in Menlo Park, California. Areas of specialty include: anxiety & stress management, romantic relationships, grief/ loss/ and life transition, overachievement, and body image.